Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer Hair With Eva NYC

Let's get your locks looking good & feeling fine

Eva NYC Blowout Review

My hair has many states, from crazy curly to super straight, but none of its styles are achievable without a little help. And by a little help, I mean I have drawers, cabinets and shelves of products.

I recently added Eva NYC's Blowout Kit to the mix and their line has knocked a few of my longstanding faves out of rotation.

Eva NYC Blowout Kit Review

Let's talk heat

Since it takes a lot of heat to take my hair from curly to straight, restorative deep conditioners are my life. Their Therapy Session Hair Mask has Argan Oil and proteins that left my hair feeling smooth and smelling like heaven.

To combat heat damage, I've always used heat protectants, so I looked forward to trying the Speed It Up Blow Dry Spray. It promised cutting blow dry time, but what I loved most about the product was the shine. After one pass of their very cute flat iron, my hair glistened like silk.

Mane maintenance 

Post styling, days pass and my hair might need a little refresher. I've used dry shampoos before, so I was familiar with how well they soak up oil, especially at my roots. Using their Forget Me Knot Dry Conditioner was a whole new world, though. For me, it was basically a finishing shine serum in a can.

The verdict

My absolute favorites were the Hair Mask and Blow Dry Spray, which now take top spots in my hair routine. I know this has no say when it comes to performance, but every last one of their products smelled divine. So, not only do their products make your hair look pretty, they make you smell pretty too, and that's a winning combo.

Eva NYC Curly Hair ReviewEva NYC Chevron Flat Iron
Eva NYC  provided their products for review, but as always, opinions are all my own.



  1. I love hearing about new hair products because I am always looking out for the next big thing. I can't wait to check these out!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. There iron is so cute, and your hair looks amazing naturally!

    Eleventh & Sixteenth

  3. The hair mask and blow dry spray do seem great. Would love to try that.

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  4. Oh wow I love the packaging of their products! Thanks for the awesome review!! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  5. I love the iron, talk about summer colors! The blow dry spray sounds really good, totally want to dry as soon as I get a new blow dryer, not joke it burnt out on me last week :(

    XO Chelsea http://www.shesaidhesaidfashion.com/

  6. I've been wondering how you get your hair so smooth and gorgeous!

    Wishes & Reality

  7. Looks like great products!

    Style by Avery

  8. I was looking for a good hair mask to help with the Summer damage from the sun. Thanks for this review!

  9. SO excited to try this hair mask. You're such a babe lady! Check out my blog: lexnevin.com

  10. I needed this, my hair is very similar to yours. Definitely going to look into these products!


  11. I always think your hair looks so pretty! I am a product junkie too, but once I find one that works, I stick to it

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  12. Hehe I really do buy products based on the smell sometimes :) and you have BEAUTIFUL hair--so I will have to try these :)


  13. You hair is gorgeous! I love hair products that smell amazing!!

    <3 Shannon

    Upbeat Soles

  14. I am always so jealous of people who can wield a hair straightener like its no one's business! I am so nervous I am going to burn myself, that I never really gave it a try. I usually just stick to a blow dryer. But that was a total tangent! love your verdict - they make you smell pretty too!

    Ginger Side of Life

  15. Always on the hunt for new products, and especially ones that do heat-damage control. Your hair always looks so amazing!

    xx, Leah / www.eatpraywearlove.com

  16. You have a great hair! It looks like an amazing product. Great job!!
    We Shop in Heels

  17. This is such a great review! I love the idea of the blow dry spray -- cutting dry time is always great and the shine is fantastic! Your hair looks gorgeous!!

    xo, Rachel

  18. I put my hair through a lot of heat styling as well, and I"m always on the look out for products that work to get it straight while keeping it healthy! Thanks for the review.

    Chic on the Cheap

  19. Your hair is always wonderful either way you style it!


    http://petitemaisonoffashion.blogspot.com/ ♥

  20. Sounds very promising! I might have to try that dry shampoo!

    Love, Karina
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