Friday, May 27, 2016

Love List #7

Pink Bell Flowers

I can't lie—this week was a tough one. But, as soon as I think about the few bumps I had, I remind myself of some of my highlights and can't help but be grateful. I always tells my friends that for every up, there has to be a down. Life is balance, and looking over these small moments, the scale starts tipping in my favor. 

Taco vs. Burritos New York

1. Our small garden in front of the house is in full bloom, so I picked one of these pretty pink ones (no idea what it is) for my bedroom. 

2. After work, a friend and I walked to this food truck and I spent most of my time obsessing over the neon sign.

Shih Tzu Dog Walk
Quick & Easy Fruit Salad

3. The weather was bee-yoo-tiful this week, so I took some extra long walks with Millie, and something about this strip in my neighborhood reminded of me of when I would take walks in L.A. 

4. I'm trying to be good about not spending too much money on eating out and eating better foods, so I made this quick and summery fruit salad to take to work for breakfast. It's just three fruits, but was so good.

5. And perhaps the highlight of the week was this shoot I did with Bustle for #BustleBikiniBody—I can't wait to show it to you all! 

Here's to a great weekend!  


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