Sunday, June 12, 2016

I'm Wearing A Dress

And other thoughts on clothes & blogging about them

Off Shoulder Dress For Summer

Well, here I am folks, wearing a dress. Don't let my lackluster tone confuse you, though—I really do love this off-shoulder summer shift. It's the perfect dress for shimmying here and shaking there, and what is a summer dress if not something you can shimmy and shake in?

Yes, I, the unabashed lover of wardrobes, accessories and frills can, on occasion, be a little bit over it.

But, and this but is a hard one to type out, sometimes I just want to yell at my computer screen, "it's just a dress!" Yes, I, the unabashed lover of wardrobes, accessories and frills can, on occasion, be a little bit over it. Right now, I'm living a life that's 98% new to me. I'm trying to figure out how all these new pieces fit together, and that includes how I write about the clothes I choose to put on my body.

If it sounds like I'm about to renounce blogging, I'm not. I've always wanted to do this, just in a genuine way. If I say, "this dress is my favorite" one more time, I just might strangle myself with said dress. Wait, that's drastic. Truth be told, I will still be saying things are my favorite because us bloggers love our favorite things. Did I mention that this dress is my favorite, top-five, must-have off-shoulder dress for summer? No? Oh, well, it is.

Off Shoulder Dress For Summer
Off Shoulder Dress For Summer
Off Shoulder Dress For Summer
Off Shoulder Dress For Summer

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