Sunday, September 27, 2015

The New Classics

Trench Vest & Stripes

I'm getting old, and before you roll your eyes at a 24-year-old calling herself old, let me just say that I am not complaining. It's just a fact. And I know this because, now, with every decision I make, even in my closet, I'm thinking of the future.

"There are voices in my head, girlfriends, and they're getting excited over classic staples. It's a strange time for this 24-year-old."

When I added this trench vest to my shopping cart, my thought process went beyond the usual "Oh, this is cute." I was thinking of every way I could make this staple work, from office to weekend. I was being – gasp – practical. 

There are voices in my head, girlfriends, and they're getting excited over classic staples. It's a strange time for this 24-year-old. I'm still holding onto some of that youthful impracticality, though, mixing trends with staples. Taking a trench coat and turning it into a vest. The new classic, if you will.

Trench Vest & Stripes
Trench Vest & Stripes
Trench Vest & Stripes
Trench Vest & Stripes
Trench Vest & Stripes

Photos by Kaye McCoy

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